Katsucon 18

Today we checked into Katsucon 18. We are going all out this year. Reserved a hotel room for two nights. This helps us rest up a bit between hectic events. Also helps save on food costs. Last year we waited for hours to register. This year we planned ahead and preregistered.

Imagine our surprise when we found the preregistration line very long this year. If we waited to register at the event, there was no line at all. Go figure. You just can't win. The hotel is big. We spent a lot of time walking around even after we arrived on our floor.

As usual, there were a number of scantily clad ladies attending the conference. I liked the outfits where you could not guess whether someone was wearing a wig, or dyed their own hair. I was surprised to be informed that Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle was staning in the registration line just in front of me.